User ID (User Name)

for Students for Faculty for Others

To use the network and PCs at Kwansei Gakuin University, you need a system user ID and password.

System user ID issued/re-issued

Upon completing the system usage application process (agreement via UCARO or submission of the System Usage Pledge), a user ID (username) and password, which certify permission to use the university's system, will be issued.

The user ID is issued to each user and remains valid throughout the enrollment period, as long as the student number or personal code does not change.

If you have forgotten your system use ID

Cumpus 受付窓口 発行 再発行
Nishinomiya Uegahara
Information and Media Facilities Building (first floor)
Organization for Information Strategies
Lecture Hall 4 (first floor)
ICT Support Desk 
Media and Research Facilities Building (first floor)
ICT Support Desk
Kobe Sanda
Building Ⅵ (second floor) 
ICT Support Desk
Building Ⅵ (third floor)
ICT Support Desk
Nishinomiya Seiwa
Building 6
ICT Support Desk
Osaka Umeda
The Reception counter (14th floor)
キャンパス事務室内 ICT Support Desk

Once you use your password and user ID to log onto the university system, please take care what you do on the internet both within the University network and on the World Wide Web. Your actions are your responsibility.

If someone else gets hold of your user ID and password, there could be consequences beyond what you might imagine.

  • Your mail and other personal data could be read, destroyed, or made public.
  • Someone could pose as you and post lies or other damaging information in your name.
  • You could be billed for items you did not purchase.

It is therefore of utmost importance that you protect your password and never let anyone know what it is!

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