End of Information Security Training(Targeted E-mail) and Information regarding Web Survey and e-Learning Course

Important for Faculty

Dear All,

Thank you very much for your cooperation with the security training. The security training which started October 2018 will be completed once the web survey has been answered and you have participated in the e-Learning. Please see below for more information:

【Security Training Implementation Report】
The contents of the security training are as follows.
  Following full-time teaching faculty members (University・Junior College・Senior High School・
  Junior High School・Elementary School・Kindergarten・Senri International campus) who use
  the Kwansei Gakuin e-mail address(@kwansei.ac.jp)and all administrative staff members(including outsourcing).
 ◆Training period and frequency
  A mock targeted attack e-mail has been sent to trainees twice between October and December 2018.
  We used the two types of e-mails on each occasion.

  [1]First round   Date and time sent:Monday,November 12,10:00am-11:10am
   (1)E-Mail 1
    Subject    再度のご確認をお願いします
    Sender     高等教育担当課 <kyoiku_tanto@safegovernment.net>
   (2)E-Mail 2
    Subject   【重要】情報漏えい事故事例の共有
    Sender    情報システム室system@kwansei.co.jp <system@cat-site.net>

  [2]Second round  Date and time sent:Wednesday,December 5,11:00am-0:10pm
   (1)E-Mail 3
    Subject    [情報共有]AIセミナーのご案内
    Sender    ドットマークIT <seminor-info@cat-site.net>
   (2)E-Mail 4
    Subject   【重要】ユーザID・パスワードの確認について
    Sender    情報システム室system@kwansei.co.jp <system@techsupport-co.jp>

【Information regarding Web Survey】
We ask for your cooperation in completing the survey which will serve as a referense for future security training.
The survey will be anonymous and so we ask that the survey be filled out as honestly as possible and is expected to take about 5 minutes.
 ◆web survey URL:https://questant.jp/q/kwansei (※)
 ◆web survey period:From Monday,December 10 to Friday,December 14 at 5:00pm

In addition, we will report the results of the web survey from the Organization for Information Management and Communication at the conference etc.

【Information regarding e-Learning course】
For those who have been mock infected even once at this security training, please try to pass the comprehension test after taking the class. The session is expected to be about 30 minutes.
The pass is correct answers of 4 questions or more in 5 questions. Also, you can take the comprehension test many times.
In addition, even those who are not mock infected, those who are interested can take the class freely.
 ◆e-Learning course URL:https://kwansei.minasec.jp (※)
 ◆e-Learning course period:From Monday,December 10 to Friday,January 25 at 5:00pm

(※) In addition, for the method of login to the web survey and the e-Learning course, please refer to it by the e-mail and the Public Folder.

〈Public Folder〉-〈2. Notices(2.お知らせ)〉-〈End of Information Security Training(Targeted E-mail) and Information regarding Web Survey and e-Learning Course(12/10/2018)〉

Please contact Arase(extension:Uegahara20616) of the Organization for Information Management and Communication regarding any questions.


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